Riverment provides environmental education programs about river ecosystem and ecology and water quality assessment. Biological, phisical-chemical and hydromorphological features are analysed in order to assess river ecological quality, with a focus on the biological component (macroinvertebrates).
The program is intended for middle and high schools' students (45-50 students at once).
It usually lasts 6 hours splitted on 3 days, but it's possible to modify it according to school's teaching needs.
Introduction to river ecosystem and ecological water quality assessment. Physical-chemical water parameters and hydromorphological features. Macroinvertebrates as bioindicators of biological water quality.
Where: school
Time: 1 hour
Field work
Field work activities on a water stream. Physical-chemical analysis (e.g. T, pH, water discharge), macroinvertebrates sampling and hydromorphological evaluation.
Where: water stream close to the school
Time: 3 hours
Macroinvertebrates identification and water quality indices calculation.
Final discussion about river water quality and possible pollution sources.
Where: school
Time: 2 hours